This site is outdated as of March 2022. View current site

Hi! I'm Ashley, an aspiring web and software developer.

I'm a first year computer science student at Western University. I'm currently at the beginner level of programming and in the process of exploring my different interests within tech. So far, I'm most interested in web dev, game development and product design. A few of my hobbies outside of coding are video editing, graphic design and occassionally gaming!


  • Languages


  • JavaScript

  • Python

  • SQL, XML

  • Tools

  • Microsoft Access (database)

  • Git & Github

  • Visual Studio Code

  • JetBrains IDE

  • Design

  • After Effects, Premiere Pro

  • Figma

  • Adobe XD

  • Photoshop


  • Database design & development

  • Entity relationship modelling

  • Wireframing

  • Prototyping


SheHacks+ 6


🏆 Second Place Overall, Best Use of Google Cloud

  • Hackathon
  • Technical
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Intelliview is a platform that stores job applications, past interviews, and advice for students to prepare for future interviews at their dream company. SheHacks+ 6 was my first hackathon, so I had to learn new skills along the way. The hackathon exposed me to front-end development, and I learned quite a bit about HTML and CSS.

    SheHacks+ 6, Jan 2022

    Luxe Banking App

    Luxe Banking App

    Application Prototype

  • UI/UX
  • Design
  • Figma
  • A prototype of a banking app designed using Figma and Photoshop tools. I chose to work on this project because as a user, I feel like banking mobile apps have an outdated interface. Their UIs should be redesigned as an easier to navigate.

    Personal project, June 2021

    Web App Prototype

    Web App Prototype

    Application Prototype

  • UI/UX Project
  • Design
  • Adobe XD
  • A responsive landing page prototype designed using Adobe XD. My inspiration for the colour theme was modern dark mode on websites and applications with vibrant colours for icons to create contrast.

    Personal project, May 2021

    ↻ View more projects on Github


    I'd love to chat! Feel free to contact me at or on LinkedIn.

    Designed and built by Ashley Oyewole, 2022